Sad Days

I love the city of Pittsburgh.  Almost as much as I love my dogs.  And this city has been violated by a wanton act of ugly, hateful violence that left 11 innocent people dead.  I am stunned.  I am saddened.  And I don't know what I could possibly write about in a dog-themed blog that would be fitting under the circumstances.  So, let me just take this opportunity to express my most sincere sympathy to the families of the victims of the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue yesterday.  And let me assure anyone who reads this from outside our city: this is not us.  Pittsburghers hate some things: we hate how Tom Wilson and Vontaze Burfict choose to play their respective sports.  We hate it when our sports team lose.  I'm sure individuals have other things they hate: shoveling snow in 1 degree weather maybe.  Trying to drive "dahntahn" at rush hour.  But, for the most part, we don't hate.  This isn't who we are.  We have strong opinions, sure.  We get a little haughty sometimes because we are, after all, the City of Champions.  And we identify strongly with the neighborhoods we come from.  Ask a lifelong Pittsburgher where they are from and they will answer "Allison Park" or "Greenfield" or "Shadyside", not Pittsburgh itself.  But when the chips are down, all these myriad little neighborhoods are one, and we are all neighbors.  Tonight is such a time: we are all of one neighborhood and we are grieving together.

With all of that, how can I tell you about switching the dogs' food, or how Sirius is freaked by all my neighbors' Halloween decorations (he is)?    I don't think any of it matters.  But I will say this.  I am lucky I have my furry therapists to help me as I try to process how such hate can exist in the world, let alone my own city.  So, if I can offer anything at all, I'll offer some dog therapy with some of my favorite photos of the Collie Army from this past year.  Maybe they can bring a slight smile to you.  I hope so.  Be well.  Be safe.  Above all else: be kind.


  1. There seems to be too much hate in the world, and it seems to be growing.

  2. Furry therapists is right. They have got us through the hardest times.


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